I Didn’t Know That Was a Thing!

I started with meditation. That’s how this journey began. I paid for an app and started waking up early and listening to a voice through my earbuds, leading me to places I never knew existed inside my mind. Then I started paying attention to the moon, buying crystals, carrying them in my pockets, and leaving them in the moonlight. And I purchased an Oracle deck and a tarot card deck. I had no idea how to use any of these. Then I started accumulating books and reading some, saving others until I was ready. There had to be answers somewhere in all these tools. I was feeling a bit different, but nothing was getting clearer. Where was the journey supposed to take me? I still felt mostly the same. Some things were better, but I was still me. Just me. 

I stumbled upon a retreat, and that is when I realized I must go within. I must turn myself inside out and heal all the parts I had hidden away. Loving all of me, the deep dark parts, the shameful secrets, the joy, sadness…all of it. I was feeling the groove of this healing journey. I launched Sacred Woman Collective Nebraska. I started going to yoga. I started practicing breathwork facilitation and sound healing. Yeah, I am rockin’ this. 

I thought I’d give Reiki a try. I was sure my Chakras were clear and flowing. I mean, I had never felt this good. Ope. There were still some things, deep down, woven into my being—emotions, trauma, pain that had become the fabric of my body. 

It was as if I had spent hours cleaning the house from top to bottom, only to find I didn’t look behind the couch, under the bed, or behind the refrigerator. It wasn’t pretty. How had I missed all this?? Why wasn’t it breaking free? So, I started working on Body and Emotion Coding with a trained practitioner. Oh my, did she find some stuff! But we released it! We cleared it, and we realigned it. My alignment with myself and my soul kept becoming more and more precise. 

The most valuable lesson I learned through this deeper dive is that you never complete. It is an essential part of the healing journey. You are constantly responding to the world, yourself, and your emotions. Sometimes, you do so with a frequency that lets things pass, and occasionally, things get stuck. So you must move the couch and clear out what has fallen behind. You must sweep under your bed; you may just find your missing sock! You have to keep clearing, processing, and releasing. The more you do, the more you will sense when things are off, when the universe is sending you a message, when a loved one is reaching out to you. Then, through practices like meditation, breath work, sound therapy, and yoga, you will tune in to the frequency of the universe around you, both unseen and seen. You will experience a surreal consciousness. Then, using all the fancy tools you acquired initially, you will open channels to receive messages, manifest your future, and help heal others. 

And finally, you will discover all the magic you longed for has been within you all this time.


I can buy myself flowers…


Never in a million…