Never in a million…

If you had told me a year ago, even six months ago, that I would be holding space for women to heal and grow, I would have laughed…and laughed. I wouldn’t have laughed so hard; I would’ve probably wet my pants. I wanted to hide myself. I wanted to feel better, but I wanted to do it all by myself. I was doing just fine. But it was the “fine” when your voice kinda goes up an octave when you say it, followed by a sigh and maybe an eye roll. I had been this version of " fine " since I left a high-stress job two years ago.

I left and took a job where I work primarily alone. It is very low-stress; honestly, it has been bliss. I have flexibility, peace, and comfort. It was the polar opposite of where I was before. But my soul felt heavy. I couldn’t find happiness. And I really had nothing to be unhappy about.

I had been dabbling in a healing journey. I had started about six months before I left my previous job. I had done some work, so what was STILL wrong? I had taken a different job. I had been trying to lose weight. I had been more active. I was doing some things, but something wasn’t right. Long story short, I ended up at a Sacred Woman Collective retreat at Lake Tahoe. “Awaken Your Spirit” was the theme. 

Nothing could have prepared me for what happened to me. No way could anyone have described the journey I would take. I came back to my everyday life, and things seemed entirely different. I felt alive to my core. And I kept being pulled to bring this to the women in Nebraska. 

I know there are healers in Nebraska, or at least now I do. There are women who had felt the same things I felt and journeyed to find wellness and wholeness in their own ways. They have been transformed and have learned skills to continue their journey and help others. But I also know there are many women, women I know, women I love very much, who are feeling the world's heaviness. They are exhausted, trying hard to find the spark just to make it through the day. I want healing and spirituality practices to be accessible, common knowledge and talked about. I want women to wake up and feel alive. I want women to be kind to one another. I want women to take care of themselves and each other. 

So you may wonder, “What can a Sunset Circle or a retreat do for me?” I can tell you from my experience that it can heal the deepest wounds you carry; it can ignite a love for yourself and others that seems almost magical. It can connect you even when you don’t feel like connecting.

Take a chance at getting to know yourself better. Ignite your dreams, and find your purpose. Release all that does not serve you and live THIS life. If it is calling you to try something new, do it! Even if it’s not one of ours. Your soul is on this earth for a journey far more incredible than you can imagine. You only need to be brave enough to listen. xoxo


I Didn’t Know That Was a Thing!